
Preschool Program

The NCCDC Preschool Program offers full-day, year-round care for children between 30 mounths (2.5 years) and five years of age. We offer 2, 3, 4, and 5 day a week set schedules.


The NCCDC Preschool room opens at 7:30 a.m. and closes at 5:30 p.m. Parents may drop off their children any time between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. and pick up their children any time


We have a maximum of 15 children in the preschool room and the state mandated ratio is 1 teacher to 10 preschool children, however, we aim for a 1 to 5 ratio or better .

Daily Preschool Schedule

7:30 a.m. NCCDC Opens

8-9 a.m. Free play: Each day a variety of art, dramatic play and tactile activities are available.

9 a.m. Morning snack: We provide a snack of non-sugary cereal, organic cow or soy milk and fruit.

10 a.m. Circle time: During circle we sing songs, develop calendar skills & name recognition and introduce new themes, projects or topics.

10-11 a.m. Outside play: We have a large outdoor space and we play outside every day, rain or shine.

11 a.m.-12 p.m. Small group: Each child chooses one of 8 activity areas to explore with up to 3 other friends.

12 p.m. Lunch: Parents provide lunch for their children. We provide cow or soy milk.

1-3 p.m. Rest time: After reading stories aloud, the children rest quietly or sleep with books on their cot. Quiet table activities are available for non-nappers.

3-4 p.m. Outside play: If weather is especially bad, we may work out our energy in our large multi-purpose room.

4 p.m. Snack: We provide a varied menu of organic dairy, fruits, vegetables, and grains.

4:30 p.m. Storytime: We have a large and rich library of books to choose from.

5:30 p.m. NCCDC closes: We offer a small snack at the end of the day before kiddos head home.